3 Ways You Can Reap the Benefits of Spring Cleaning

3 Minutes to read

Spring cleaning is one of those unavoidable annual activities that brings a new lease of life to any home. The benefits of this traditional ritual go far beyond clearing the cobwebs from the corners and giving your space a much-needed makeover; it can have profoundly positive impacts on both your physical and mental well-being. If you’re looking to maximize your return on investment, here are three ways you can turn a simple spring clean into an opportunity for lasting transformation.
Create a schedule
The mammoth task of a spring clean can be daunting. So much so that many homeowners may even be put off getting going, as with so much to do, it can be difficult to know just where to start. To ensure you can get the most out of your cleaning time, we recommend you start by creating a schedule and break your house down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Don’t try to tackle the entire home in one day; start with a room (or even a section of a room) and work your way around the home!

Depending on the type of cleaner you are, you may prefer to take on the more heavy-duty areas first like the kitchen and bathroom. Or you could look to start with a few smaller tasks and save these ones for later. Whatever your preference, creating a schedule will help you stick to a cleaning routine and will ensure your entire home gets a thorough going over.
Use more sustainable products
However clean your house may become, using the wrong products and equipment can come at the detriment of the world beyond your home. There are so many different ways you can establish a more sustainable cleaning routine, from buying equipment made from renewable resources to using your own homemade solutions.
There is a big plastic problem in the cleaning industry, but more alternatives are being seen on the market, which is making it easier to create a plastic-free cleaning routine. From brushes to scrubbers to cloths, eco-conscious manufacturers are using materials that are kinder to the planet in these products, meaning you can enjoy a more guilt-free, sustainable spring clean. Plastic bottles of detergent are also an issue, so finding alternatives like laundry strips or even making your own solutions and storing them in reusable containers is a huge step towards going green when you clean.

Make it part of your exercise routine
Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be simply about reinvigorating your home – it’s also an opportunity to get a little exercise into your weekly routine. Without any extra effort, cleaning can in itself feel like a workout, but if you want to take it one step further, there are plenty of ways to combine your cleaning time with a few additional exercises.
For example, instead of arching your back to pick up any laundry and throw it in the washing machine, why not squat down slowly to work the muscles in your legs, abs and glutes? Remember, if you are going to incorporate squatting into your cleaning workout, always maintain proper form and posture, and don’t overload yourself by trying to carry too much at once. Or, when dusting shelves and window sills, use it as a chance to stretch your entire body, or even perform some calf raises to strengthen your legs.

These are just a few of the ways you can feel more benefits from your spring cleaning. So before your next big spruce-up, keep these tips in mind and you will continue to feel the benefits long after the final speck of dust has been polished.
Looking for sustainable cleaning products? Give these a try:
- Tags: Cleaning Home Kitchen Spring Cleaning