Crush Your Plastic-Free July: From Single-use to Sustainable Lifestyle

- Hi I’m Plastic and Here’s My Story
- What is Plastic-free July?
- Why Is Plastic-Free July Important?
- Global Impact of Plastic Free July Campaign
- Ways to Celebrate and Participate in Plastic Free July
- Level Up Your Plastic-Free Journey! Let Sustainable Home Upgrades Calendar be your Guide
Hi I’m Plastic and Here’s My Story
About 100 years ago, a game-changing invention hit the scene - Plastic. By the 1950s, this wonder material was everywhere due to its lightweight, moldable, durable, and cost-effective nature.
Plastics are made stronger with chemical additives, making them last even longer if littered. They don’t biodegrade, taking up to 1000 years to decompose. Oops, they don’t entirely decompose, instead just photodegrade, which breaks down into microplastics (half centimeter in size), tiny pieces that absorb toxins and pollute the environment.
These microplastics are found in bottled water, tap water, sea salt, soil, air and even cosmetics like toothpaste and face wash. They enter the food web at the lowest levels, getting consumed by marine life like oysters, crabs, and fish, which end up on our plates, carrying toxic chemicals like BPA, phthalates, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and others.
According to WWF, people consume about 5 grams of microplastics every week – that’s like eating a credit card and over 50% of the world's population have them in their stool!
In fact, did you know 50% of all plastics made are single-use items? They get tossed after one use, creating 300 million tons of waste each year. A lot of it ends up in landfills or oceans – about 8 million tons yearly from coastal areas.
So, what can we do about this plastic problem?
Every July, people around the world take on a challenge to bring awareness to the plastic problem and encourage to reduce their use of plastic. But what exactly is Plastic-Free July? Why is it so important and how it may transform your single-use to sustainable lifestyle.
Let's get into what it is and everything you need to know about this upcoming month (look at you unknowingly taking part in the movement already!).
What is Plastic-free July?
It all starts with one inspirational woman in Australia who sparked the most prominent and impactful environmental movements in the world today!
Back in 2011, deeply concerned about plastic waste in landfills, Rebecca Prince Ruiz rallied 40 people in her local community of Fremantle, Western Australia to curb their single-use plastic for the month of July.
The movement caught on quickly – growing to 400 participants and sooner after reaching a total 4,000 participants. And just like that, Plastic-Free July was born.
Plastic-Free July is now a worldwide movement that inspires millions of people, communities, organizations, and governments to make small changes that lead to a collective impact to solve plastic pollution!
The concept is simple: refuse and reduce single-use plastics for all of July while creating awareness and building momentum for an impact beyond the month.
By focusing on single-use items like plastic bags, straws, and bottles, the movement aims to cut down the plastic waste that ends up in our oceans, landfills, and natural environments. Making a big difference for a sustainable and healthy planet. Stabilizing our ecosystems and reducing pollutants that’ll lead to a healthy planet for future generations.
Plastic-Free Foundation was established in 2017 as an Australia-based registered charity to support the growing global effort of the Plastic-free July campaign.
Why Plastic-Free July is so Important?
Plastic-Free July campaign serves as a global wake up call for the dire consequences of our reliance on plastic. From polluting land and oceans, to endangering wildlife, contributing to climate change, and disrupting the entire ecosystem.

Plastic use has blown up, and and we've lost control. It's time to take charge and change how we think about and use plastic in our daily routines.
The Plastic-Free July is a global awareness campaign that tackles simple ways to reduce plastic waste by refusing single-use plastics for the month of July. Small personal steps combined with collective efforts can make a big difference.
The Global Impacts of Plastic Free July Campaign
To support the growing global effort, the Plastic Free Foundation was established in 2017 as an Australian-based registered charity, strongly believing that “small steps, big difference.”
They offer customized programs, tools, and resources for all sorts of communities—schools, health organizations, local governments, and businesses. the use a wide range of communication platforms and languages, to share success stories and achievements, aiming to influence consumer behavior and reduce the presence of single-use plastics.
According to the Plastic Free July Publication Report 2023, in the past five years, people worldwide have avoided 10 billion kilograms of waste, inspired 223 million changes in consumer behavior, and reduced waste and recycling by an average of 18kg per person each year. This all adds up to a 4.1% drop in waste
Businesses, NGOs, organizations, and governments worldwide teamed up for Plastic Free July 2023, slashing a whopping 240 million kgs of plastic consumption! An impressive feat that truly demonstrates the power of collective action and the impact we can make when we work together towards a common goal.
But don’t be intimidated by these numbers! Your small steps, whether it be remembering to bring a reusable bag for your shopping trips, making plant-based kitchen swaps or getting educated all lead to these numbers.
Ways to Celebrate and Participate in Plastic Free July 2024
1. Learn about Plastic-Free July
2. Take on the Challenge

3. Spread the News

4. Participate or Host an Event
Ready to make a tangible difference this July?
Joining or hosting events is a fantastic way to ramp up your impact during Plastic-Free July! Whether you’re showing up or planning something yourself, you’ll find endless opportunities to inspire, educate, and connect with others.
Kick things off by joining the global online launch event, which features inspiring talks and practical workshops. You can also participate in local clean-ups at beaches, parks, and other areas organized by environmental groups, communities, and local government units.

Find like-minded people in your community by joining or creating a group during the event. Collaborate with them to grow your impact.
Additionally, visit sustainable goods markets, both online and in brick-and-mortar stores in your area.

5. Support Through Donations
6. Be a Partner or a Member
7. Explore More

Level Up Your Plastic-Free Journey! Let Sustainable Home Upgrades Calendar be your Guide
Taking the first steps towards a plastic-free lifestyle is a commendable start for July, but why stop there? If you're ready to elevate your commitment to sustainability and make a big impact, we've got just the guide for you.
Our Sustainable Home Upgrades Calendar is designed to guide you through a series of simple, yet effective changes you can implement throughout the year.
From reducing single-use plastics to embracing eco-friendly alternatives, this calendar is packed with practical tips and actionable steps to help you create a greener, more sustainable home.

Want to do more? Stay tuned and watch out for blogs as we go into sustainable home upgrades that you can do throughout the year.
- Tags: Guide Holidays Non-Toxic Living Plastic